Post-Breathwork Care

This blog is for those who have done a breathwork session with me.

After breathwork, especially if our journey involved emotional release and trauma healing, a lot of energy will have moved through our system. Toxins are released and the clearing of blockages makes room for various shifts that may result in physical, mental or spiritual changes.

Know that this is very normal, and the experience differs from person to person.


  • Tiredness - Often, energy is used to clear blockages. Especially if there was a big release during the session.

  • Floating/Relief - It is very common to experience feeling lighter, and more expansive. Like we have removed a weight we were shouldering

  • Peace and Calm - Taking our nervous system out of fight/flight mode can leave you feeling very relaxed - sometimes unfamiliarly relaxed. Enjoy this and remember to upkeep your practice to spend more time in this state!

  • Pain relief - Emotions can often be stored in our physical tissues so a release can often be accompanied by physical relief. If you had physical pain, you may notice it dissolve or perhaps shift places.

  • New perspectives - When the grips of a past trauma are strong, they shape the way we perceive our surroundings so when things have shifted, you may notice new thought patterns or reactions to things. Almost like you are a new version of yourself.


It is possible that things continue to shift for a few days after a session so you might continue to experience some/all of the above. In many cases, the experience is more somatic (in the body) and words about the experience take a bit more time to form.

It is a great time to journal, meditate and reflect after a breathwork session for this reason.

Know that your body will never give you anything you can’t handle, and that it will only present what it feels safe to.

See if they bring new insights, or help you gain clarity or perspectives.


  • Drink lots of water,

  • Eat with the mindset to nourish yourself,

  • Get lots of SLEEP

  • Seek support from friends and loved ones

  • Connect with your body with your favourite physical practice

  • Be around nature


  • If you need any support, please text or call me directly - I am available for you.

  • If you would like to go deeper on anything specific, see if my offerings are suitable for you.

  • Follow me on instagram for ongoing tips and empowering perspectives.

  • Tell your friends and family about our practice if you feel it may support them!

holistic health coach

Hi, I am Ben.

If this post resonated with you, I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments section below.

I help people live freer & more powerful lives by dissolving chronic pain of the mind, body & spirit.

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I post practical tools and inspirational reflections drawn from lives of real people, nature’s wisdom, and the wonderful world of art.


How Nature Heals Us


What is Breathwork?