… is not about feeling better, but getting better at feeling.

Things may (will) get uncomfortable but I’m here to show you that everything you want is on the other side of your discomfort.

I offer you the return to the natural human states of Vitality, Clarity, and Freedom.

Book a call for an obligation-free phone assessment to see what would work best for you.


We shouldn’t just accept that depression and chronic anxiety are simply permanent things that will always exist in our communities. Nor should we live feeling like our bodies are holding us back, no matter the pain, age, or injury.


Stop emotions forcing unwanted results

Key Pillars

Self-talk/Inner Voice

Responsibility vs Blame

Powerful Communication

Not your regular talk-therapy. Supplementing with somatic practices as necessary, I focus on dissolving the subconscious narratives at the root of your fears, frustrations and anxieties. I help you access an entirely new way of BEING, rather than constantly trying to manage your circumstances/ behaviours.


Stop feeling like your body is failing you

Key Pillars

Life Force/ Vitality

Functional Strength

Pain & Recovery

Learn to interpret your body’s signals so you can confidently do more than you think you currently can.

Heal chronic pain without medication, injections, or surgeries. Reverse auto-immune diseases. Safely start a new sport at age 70.

There are no limits.


My programs are a container for us to challenge the paradigms in which you currently operate.

Inspired by the most common client problems, these programs have been structured to push people who are already committed to their own mindfulness journeys the expansion that they need to get beyond where they are currently stuck.

There will be different assignments on a weekly basis to help you become more aware of your subconscious programming and actionable steps to help you start creating a different reality for yourself.

Discover more below.

  • For: Those looking to build their self-awareness practice

    Outcome: Structure and guidance to develop one’s practice for holistic health. Mind, Body & Spirit.


    • 60min sessions in-person or on Zoom

    • Structured workbooks

    • 4 sessions over 4 weeks

    Investment: $800 + GST

  • For: Those looking to age gracefully WITH their bodies, not ‘because’ of it.

    No training history required.

    Program is suitable if your pain is preventing you from training, or motivating you towards it.

    Outcome: Learn the same principles behind strengthening and repairing the body that have helped hundreds of chronic pain conditions, and run marathons barefoot with no drugs, surgeries or injections.


    • 60min sessions in-person or on Zoom

    • Structured workbooks

    • 10 sessions over 10-16 weeks

      1st 5 weekly, /w option to do last 5 fortnightly

    • Mind-body connection and relationship to the body

    • Functional strength program tailored to your desired future

    • Pain management principles to develop your recovery practice

    Investment: $1,800 + GST

  • For: Those who want to stop letting their limiting beliefs/emotions force their hand or prevent their action(s).

    Stop getting stuck in low self-esteem, miscommunication, emotional overwhelm, feeling unseen, unheard and under-appreciated.

    Outcome: Go beyond boundaries and affirmations to completely dissolve the root limiting subconscious narratives that drive your thoughts, emotions, and behaviour.


    • 60min sessions in-person or on Zoom

    • Structured workbooks

    • 10 sessions over 10-16 weeks

      1st 5 weekly, /w option to do last 5 fortnightly

    • Dissolution of internal subconscious narratives

    • Ownership of emotional regulation

    • Powerful, connected communication

    • Custom stress management techniques (as necessary)

    Investment: $1,800 + GST

  • For: Those who want to stop letting their limiting beliefs/emotions force their hand or prevent their action(s).

    Stop getting stuck in the cycle of miscommunication, emotional overwhelm, feeling unseen, unheard and under-appreciated. Learn how to communicate your world, and TRULY hear theirs. As long as one of either of you are trying to be ‘right’, the cycle will continue.

    Outcome: Go beyond boundaries and affirmations to completely dissolve the root limiting subconscious narratives that drive your thoughts, emotions, and behaviour.


    • 60min sessions in-person or on Zoom

    • Structured workbooks

    • 16 sessions over 10-16 weeks

      Alternating cycles of 1:2 coaching and individual 1:1s with each person to work on combined friction and individual subconscious narratives

      Total of 4x 1:2 sessions and 12× 1:1 sessions

    • Dissolution of individual internal subconscious narratives

    • Ownership of emotional regulation

    • Powerful, connected communication

    • Custom stress management techniques (as necessary)

    Investment: $2,800 + GST

  • For: Those looking for ongoing support. Mind, Body, and/or Spirit.

    Internal work can be very broad, and completion of a previous program is recommended to better understand Ben’s approach to health, vitality and clarity.

    Outcome: Safe space to be heard, held, and guided to overcome physical or mental blocks you are currently facing.


    • 60min sessions in-person or on Zoom

    • 10 sessions to be used any time over 12 weeks

      (calendars permitting)

    Investment: $1,700 + GST

Rapidly release stagnant/stuck energy from the body.

Often described as years of therapy condensed into minutes, transformational breathwork is a powerful, somatic (in the body) modality designed to get you out of your thinking mind and into your sensing/feeling body.

Perfect for the time-poor, or over-thinkers to access their intuition and inner clarity.

  • 1hr 45min Initial breakthrough session (Sydney in-person only)

  • 1.5hr follow-up session (Sydney in-person only)

  • No pressure or obligation to talk about any energy that is moved

  • Trauma informed and IPHM accredited